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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Governor Rendell: Philadelphia Needs To Get Its Casinos Going

governor rendell loves philadelphia apartments!From KYW News Radio 1060

As the fight over Philadelphia’s casinos drags on, Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell is warning that he would have to “weigh heavily” any legislation that would cut off Philadelphia’s share of tax relief funded by slots revenue.

Rendell prefaced his remarks on Monday by saying that he took a vow after leaving office as mayor of Philadelphia not to comment -– either negatively or even too positively -– about goings-on in the city.

But he admits he’s disappointed at Philadelphia’s two casino projects’ failure to launch:

“And if the legislature came to me with legislation saying, ‘Philadelphia’s not cooperating, they’re not participating, they’re dragging their feet, and we’ve all done our bit -– the counties and municipalities are all up and running –- why should Philadelphia get any of the tax relief?’ I would have to weigh that heavily.”

The governor says he would not simply veto such legislation just because of his ties to Philadelphia, although he adds he’s hopeful that there will be action soon to break the logjam over the city’s slots venues.

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